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Model Systems and Disease

Model Systems and Disease; BIOL4970


Course Description: Understanding the complex molecular defects that underpin disease states normally requires a model to be devised. The most common models include, but are not limited to, bacteria, yeasts, C. elegans, Drosophila and mouse. The class will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different models in examining consequences of a molecular defect. Students will be required to participate in selecting a disease for discussion of the physiology in diseased individual and in the model. We will complete initial investigation of disease manifestation in the yeast model Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


Students at the completion of this course: 


Will demonstrate understanding and critical thinking skills surrounding the topic of Leigh Syndrome and a student selected disease.

Will demonstrate awareness of the structure of a research project.

Will demonstrate knowledge of multiple model systems.

Will produce a poster of demonstrating critical thinking skills by reading and presenting examples from scientific literature.

Will demonstrate laboratory skills by completing assigned tasks for analysis of yeast mutants.


Be conversant in a disease and the techniques that are used to uncover the molecular basis  


© 2023 by Paul Cobine. 

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